Mandatory Allocations

First Nations Addiction Rehabilitation Foundation

FNARF was established in 1995.  FNARF’s mandate is to ensure effective and accessible education, prevention, and treatment programs about problem gambling are available to First Nations people.

In accordance with the Letter of Understanding between the FSIN and the Province of Saskatchewan dated June 10, 2021, FNARF received $250,000 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The funds received are redistributed annually for local programming to Tribal Councils and the independent First Nations in Saskatchewan.

Administration of the FNARF is provided by the FSIN Health and Social Development Secretariat. A working group of representatives from the independent First Nations and Tribal Councils provide technical support for the FNARF Board of Directors.

Directed Allocations

In addition to making mandatory allocations as set out in the 2002 Framework Agreement, the Trustees are required to make distributions if directed by a resolution from the FSIN Chiefs in Assembly pursuant to section 8.01(d) of the Trust Indenture.

In the 2021-2022 fiscal year, directed allocations were made to:

  • FSIN First Nations Treaty Right Protection Fund & FSIN Treaty Inherent Rights Legal Unit,
  • STC Treaty Rights Protection Fund
  • FSIN Senate Operation,
  • FSIN Veterans.
  • Chief Big Bear First Nation

Such designated distributions are permitted as a use of funds under the terms specified in Section 5.01 of the 2003 Trust Indenture.

Designated Allocations

First Nation Treaty Rights Protection Fund &
FSIN Treaty Inherent Rights Legal  Unit

The FSIN Chiefs-in-Assembly established the First Nations Treaty Rights Protection Fund (FNTRPF) in 1983 pursuant to FSIN Resolution #007 and again in Resolution #597. The established objective of FNTRPF is the protection, promotion and enhancement of Treaty and Inherent Rights of all First Nation peoples in Saskatchewan.

As is the case with the First Nation distributions, the directed allocation uses the population count provided by each First Nation to the FSIN Clerk of the Assembly.  The FNT determines the FNTRPF allocation based on five dollars per capita multiplied by the sum of all the First Nation population counts reported.

The FSIN Chiefs in Assembly passed Resolution #2158 that directed the Trustees to direct $450,000 of the FNTRPF allocation to the Treaty and Inherent Rights Legal Unit.

STC Treaty Rights Protection Fund

The FSIN Chiefs-in-Assembly passed Resolution #1940 that directed the Trustees to release the Saskatoon Tribal Council First Nations’ proportional share of the FNTRPF resources directly to the Saskatoon Tribal Council as of April 1, 2015. This Resolution also allows other Tribal/Grand Councils and Independent Bands to assume control of their proportional share of FNTRPF funds should they so choose.

FSIN Senate

The FSIN Chiefs in Assembly directed the Trustees, via Resolution #1904, to distribute an annual allocation of $150,000 per year commencing in the 2014-15 fiscal year for Senate Operations. These distributions are made through the FSIN Department of Finance.

FSIN Veterans

The FSIN Chiefs in Assembly directed the Trustees, via Resolution #1847, to distribute $150,000 per year commencing in the 2012-13 fiscal year for FSIN Veterans operations.  These distributions are made through the FSIN Department of Finance.

Chief Big Bear Band

The FSIN Chiefs in Assembly passed Resolution #1896 that instructed the Trust to provide an addition distribution of $10,000 each year that will be ongoing till the conclusion of the land claim of the Big Bear Band. These distributions are made directly to Chief Big Bear Band.